Wood Between Worlds

Satanic Panic! Part Two



Welcome back to the second part of our episode on Satanic Panic! We finish up the day care insanity and talk about a truly heartbreaking case, the West Memphis Three. At the tail end of the grip of satanic panic, three 8 year old boys were tragically murdered. The small town cops pinned this on three teenage boys that had black t shirts, listened to metal music and didn't fit their idea of normal. One of the most disgusting cases in recent history, we talk about just how badly the cops screwed this up and all because they assumed this was a ritual satanic murder....................................Find us on Facebook & Instagram @woodbetweenworldspodcastFind us on Twitter @woodworlds...............................................Email us with suggestions at twogirlsonemic@woodbetweenworldspodcast.comVisit our website www.woodbetweenworldspodcast.com