Myopia: Defend Your Childhood - A Nostalgic Movies Podcast

2012 (Roland Emmerich)



This week on Myopia Movies, the world gets destroyed by some CGI! We saw 2012, John Cusack action hero? Sure, why not. Welcome to Season 7 of Myopia Movies! To start with, we have fully switched over the name, no one needs to defend their past anymore, the world is already too weird. Second, we are returning to weekly! For now just your regular weekly episodes, right? WRONG! Join the Patreon! There are tiers to that will help us keep doing what we are doing! (Each tier unlocks all lower tiers) For $1: You get the monthly newsletter that announces the upcoming movies and you get Mission Briefing Back Catalog. For $3: You get the entire back catalog and a new Mission Briefing every other month. (There are already two up!) For $5: You get a bonus episode a month (on top of the Mission Briefing) (We just did all the Alien Movies) For $10: You get syncable commentary tracks. The first one will come out next month and will be Star Wars – Episode II: Attack of the Clone. Note: This is audio you sync with the m