

This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, we reinforce the cliches of high school, root for a man who grabs an unwilling teenager by the crotch, and witness an authority figure threaten and hit a child. We watched the Trump Documentary, I mean, The Breakfast Club, will you forget about me? Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Also, for those of you who are truly film folks, I have created a Letterboxd page! Check out what episodes we have done here! Want to see a funny show, in fact, Creative Loafing's People's Choice Award for Best Comedy Show? Cineprov is riffing at the Plaza Saturday! Usually we perform today, but instead this Saturday, we will be doing a special Saturday show on the Roger Corman Fantastic Four! We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon