Myopia: Defend Your Childhood - A Nostalgic Movies Podcast

The Muppet Christmas Carol



We post a little early to welcome you a our version of a Merry Christmas, a Michael Caine Musical! Join a self aware narrator and a movie I know so well, I didn't need to rewatch it, though I did anyway. Because, I am a professional. We watched the Muppet Christmas Carol, So enjoy!  I want to thank you all for making 2018 the best year yet! After iTunes deleted over half my reviews, more of you stood up to be counted and I appreciate that! People came to say 'hi' at Cineprov, which is award winning now, for which I am also grateful. I keep doing this because you keep encouraging me and I love you for that! Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon! How will The Muppet Christmas Carol stand when we put it on trial? Host: N