

This week on Myopia: Defend Your Childhood, a girl becomes a women, or falls in love with her new step dad, or is charmed by David Bowie. We watched Labyrinth, is your step brother REALLY worth it? I mean, that bulge though.... Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? Thanks to all of those who voted to make Cineprov the People's Choice for Best Comedy Show in Atlanta 2018! It has been one hell of a year and there is so much more to come! If you are listening the day it is released, we are performing today (12/20) and riffing over two Rankin/Bass classics, The Year Without Santa Claus and Santa Claus is Coming to Town! We are a proud member of the ESO Network! Please join the ESO Patreon! How will Labyrinth stand when we put it on trial? Host: Nicolas Defendant: Nicolas Panel: Charlie, Dan