

Has there ever been a joke that people around you like, but you just don't find funny? Maybe it has been stripped down from a better joke, or told so many times that it is no longer funny. With that image in your head, we watch the Little Rascals, from the director of Wayne's World. You heard me.  This is the last precocious kid movie of the month and boy is it as doozy with a surprise cameo you won't expect; I was gobsmacked. As it stands, though, thanks for sharing the previous episodes and helping start the season right. This is the last week to suggest your precocious kids movie and we will see if your choice is an episode in the spring! Second, please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia?  Next, thanks to all of you who have been supporting me in the past year as I have done Cineprov! I beli