

Hold on to your heterosexuality, this is going to get manly. This week on Myopia: Defend Your Child, we worry whether she lost it, you know...We watched Top Gun (1986), do you feel the need? And listen through the credits. Trust me. Please, rate and review us on iTunes!, Stitcher! or Podbean! Five stars helps a lot! And if you are a fan of history, we just wrapped on season one of check out my history podcast with Alex Cummings, Doomed to Repeat with an episode on Sanctuary Cities; available where ever you get your podcasts! If you prefer the live comedy, my comedy group Cineprov is riffing over the movie Santa Claus vs the Devil at the Plaza theater on 12/7! How will you stand when we put your past on trial?  Host: Nicolas  Defendant: Nicolas  Panel: Daniel, Matthew, and Jeremy.