Master Leadership

ML248: Alexandre Bernier (Kinesiologist & Coach)



We are born to move, yet few people today exercise enough to keep their bodies healthy. A lot of spend most of the day hunched over seated at a desk. The long-term result of this will almost always lead to worse long-term flexibility and mobility. Alexandre Bernier is a kinesiologist focused on posture and body composition. He has worked in the trenches for the last decade, teaching others how to live an active lifestyle. He started his career at one of Montreal's top health clubs and quit after one year to work for a fitness start-up in Dubai. Things didn't work out as expected, so he returned home disappointed yet inspired to start his business. The Online School of Exercise helps students worldwide become the best version of themselves. Alexandre’s mission is to help them achieve Sovereign Fitness, a state of self-sufficiency on all workout-related matters.  He believes a large chunk of the current metabolic epidemics would disappear if more people knew how to train themselves personall