More Than Movies

S01E11: 90’s Thrillers, Netflix Ratings & Legion



Top 3 Turf War - 00:25 Unforgettable (starring Rosario Dawson & Katherine Heigl) comes out this Friday. Could it be the movie to bring back the 90’s era thriller? Speaking of which, what are the top 3 90’s Thrillers? What’s new with us! - 15:34 If you’re in Toronto, you should watch Ivana perform in an event called Fan Fiction on April 20th. You’re not going to want to miss this performance so check out this link. The Interwebs - 17:25 Netflix retired 5-star ratings in favour of thumbs-up/thumbs-down votes and the concept of a % match. We delve into our own opinions and give you an update of what the interwebs are saying. Trailer Trash - 23:13 Thor: Ragnerok trailer is dissected. Top Drawer TV - 27:11 We watched all of Legion, and we’re going to talk about the whole darn thing so get ready and beware of #spoilers. Next week join us, in watching 13 Reasons Why. Outro - 41:32 We really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to listen to our first podcast, and we really want to hear from you, good or bad! www