More Than Movies

S01E03: Pitch a Flick, Trivia, Santa Maria Diet , Series Survival



Pitch a Flick - 00:20 The Girl with All the Gifts comes to theatres this Friday, so Ivana and Jay each pitch a superhero movie that features a little girl and then they must work together to combine the tales. . What’s new with us!  - 09:48 Introvert vs Extroverts - Jay’s actually an introvert. Him-Possible & Her-Possible Trivia - 11:39 Ivana and Jay quiz one another, each looking to come up with the craftiest questions. Top Drawer TV - 16:48 We watched the pilot episode of Santa Clarita Diet, we hope you joined us and are ready for a big discussion. Full disclosure, there are likely spoilers ahead. Series Survival (Midseason Predictions) - 26:18 We take a look at some trailers for  new series that are coming out and we make predictions! Will the show be renewed for season 2? Making History (Fox) - pilot airs Mar 5, 2017 The Arrangement (E!) - pilot airs Mar 1, 2017 The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu) - pilot airs April 26, 2017 Outro - 31:51 We really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to listen to o