Prowess: Stories Of Leaders Who Have An Edge With Ashley Crouch

Nike Anani: How To Navigate The Emotions Of Money And Build A Family Legacy



“Business opportunities are like buses; there’s always another one coming.” – Richard Branson With the level of uncertainty we see today, more people ask, how can you develop a viable business in a world that keeps changing so fast? How can you build an empire and create a legacy? In today’s episode, we are sitting down with Ashley and Nike as they discuss the ins and outs of how to navigate the chaos, create generational wealth and build a legacy that ensures the representation of every voice. Moreover, Nike will also walk us through how to grow and transfer wealth across future generations effectively.  All ears here as we tune in to this insightful session! Today’s key takeaways are: How did she get started in her business? What is a family office? Tax planning, basic accounting and communicating with the family on their businesses Grooming the next generation  Culture and inclusivity between families What millennials need to know about setting up a family office? Learn from the past and project it to the