Jacked Kirby

Episode 141- “With Rick Veitch!”



We have an enlightening conversation with prolific comic book creator RICK VEITCH (Swamp Thing, Brat Pack, 1963, Boy Maximortal, and so much more), touching on comic books as an art form, encouraging creativity,  independent comix, Jack Kirby at DC, the pros and cons of self-publishing (and so much more). Great stuff!   Rick is on Facebook, and Instagram; @rickveitch He also has an author’s page on Amazon, where you can purchase all of his self-published titles (just search Rick Veitch), and an official website where you can also support his work and buy some books, posters, & t-shirts! www.rickveitch.com   For all things Jacked Kirby, including listening links and social media;  www.flow.page/jackedkirby   If you like the show, share the show! And please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts. Thanks!