Pursuit Of Bliss

Owning Your Desires & Manifesting the Impossible



Kristen is living an absolutely magical life her younger self would be in awe of. She’s currently spending time with her community in Costa Rica and just manifested the perfect place to live. In this episode Kristen shares inspiring advice about why you should take risks and pursue your highest desires.   In this episode she discusses:   What forced Kristen to take a one month hiatus from the podcast The immense gratitude she feels for the life she has created for herself & owning her desires How she was synchronistically guided to where she is staying now The pain she is moving through currently and what has been helping her through it What her crutch is in emotional situations, how it was taken away and the lesson it taught her What her highest desire is right now and her commitment to constantly pursuing that When all her housing options fell through the mindset shift that helped Kristen be open to solutions How Kristen released resistance then the perfect housing manifested with ease in a