Blazing Trails

How Team USA Olympians and Paralympians Use Tech and Data to Win, Engage With Fans, and Drive Social Change



The innovations of technology and data in sports are massive and they’re driving athletes to maximize their performances in almost unimaginable ways. From wearables to virtual reality, Olympians know best how fine the edge is between a career-defining gold medal performance and slipping micro-seconds behind your competitors into obscurity. Each of the champion athletes in this episode have conquered that razor's edge to success and then gone on to use their platform to do good. Our guests this week - Apolo Ohno, Elana Meyers Taylor, Jessie Diggins, and Mike Schultz - use technology not only to improve their performance, but also to promote positive messages around topics like body image and environmental sustainability. Learn more about the different ways each is leveraging tech as a platform for change on this episode of Blazing Trails.