Coaching Conversations With Chad Peevy

[INTERVIEW] Living Without Apology with Alyssa Turner and Chad Woodard



ADULT CONTENT WARNING - not suitable to listen to with young children.  Really honored to have had the opportunity to interview 2 folks who are also members of the High Performance Mastermind. While at a mastermind event in Sundance, Utah, I invited Chad Woodard and Alyssa Turner to sit down for an interview. Enjoy their stories and be sure to check them out online at... Alyssa Turner on Instagram Mom of Five Motivational Speaker Personal Coach People Lover Chad Woodard on Instagram Dr. Chad Woodard: Flirting with death has a way of changing someone — it certainly did me. In 1998 I found myself on the wrong end of a pistol, which I later learned was part of a gang initiation – a young man was to approach a stranger at a gas station, steal their car, and before driving away shoot them in the chest at close range. He failed that day. I was given the best gift money could not buy, perspective. My eyes were violently opened, and what I saw to be true of my life was a demon I wrestled with for the next 18 ye