Imperial College Podcast

Podcast: Debating vaccines, LGBTQ+ history month, and humans of health research



In this edition: A scientist countering vaccine misinformation, members of Imperial’s LGBTQ+ network, and the people behind an impactful asthma trial. News: Yeast mini-factories and inspiration from nature – We learn about researchers who have engineered yeast to act like mini factories producing dementia drug compounds, and engineers who have taken inspiration from insect wings and shark skin to create materials that pop bacteria and reduce drag. Primetime COVID vaccine debate – We catch up with Professor Robin Shattock following his appearance on Question Time countering COVID-9 vaccine misinformation, hearing how he decides when to engage with sceptics and the best techniques for doing so. LGBT+ history month – We meet Ji Young Yoon and Josh Hodge from Imperial 600, the College's network for LGBTQ+ staff, postgraduate students and their allies. We talk about what LGBT+ history month means to them, who some of their heroes are, and what issues could be tackled next. You can also listen to an extended ve