Cool, Calm, & Chaotic

The Gas Station Game! #232



Check Out Episode 232 of Cool, Calm, & Chaotic and A Questions and Answers Episode Where In Honor of It Being 2/22/2022 When I Record It I Just Rattle Off 22 Answers To 22 Questions… It Also Happens To Be My Favorite Jay Z Song of All Time So It Works Out Perfect. After A Brief Life Catchup I Just Quickly Answer Questions That Range From Breakfasts, Inspirational Athletes, What Makes A Good Concert, Nutrition Hacks, Low Back Issues, Movie Quotes, Increasing Steps, Mexican Food Made Healthier, Peer Pressure, Gas Station Games, and Much More! ….Stick Around For The Fun, You Are Going To Love It! Topics Include… ✔️ Life Recap With A Storage Wars Emphasis ✔️ An Appliance Nightmare of Delayed Frustration ✔️ What I Had For Breakfast and Why It Was An Easy Answer ✔️ Inspirational Athletes From My Youth ✔️ A Little Nutrition Hack That Is Under The Radar But Great ✔️ Ways I'm Currently Improving My Life ✔️ Something Underrated and Why Speech Is So Important ✔️ Low Back Issues and Still Exercising Thoughts ✔️ Peopl