Talking Crit

Talking Crit: E75 Found and Lost.



It was a helluva episode last week.  There was a lot to tackle and digest.  We will do our best to go over our feelings, and see if we can help everyone process their feelings.  Mollymauk, what a great character, and what a journey he has been on.  We recorded this before Talks Machina, so we had no idea what Talisen and Matt would reveal in that episode.  That being said, the question on all our minds was, is Mollymauk coming back? Question of the Week asks this very thing.  Will he come back in some form or other?  Please place your vote and let us know what you think.  It was an emotional night for everyone, and we're all still trying to process all things in our hearts and minds.  We hope everyone has had a chance to recover. The first shout out goes to Imogen and @downpourin for this epic Keyleth cosplay.  The costume, the setting, the photography are all amazing.  If you needed a representation of an epic druid in the wilderness, they both de