Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: The Fate Touched



To the Celestial Planes we go, we are hitting the best stride for epic level D&D.  Vox Machina is on a recruiting mission for god(s).  There is a lot to take in, the first being: Vax is back.  He's got new tats, he's got new abilities; heck, he's even got a new body.  It's like that friend who goes out one summer to work long distance, and then comes back a different person, and also become a servant of the Raven Queen. There was also the classic Scanlan & Grog mess around.  It's fun to see previous shenanigans come and be shenanigans once more.  It's a tried and true trope of D&D, the natural 20 on a perception check for a guard.  It always comes back to get ya.  There is a lot of ground work being laid down by Vox Machina, but there is a clock running.  Will they be able to rally the forces they need in time to stop Vecna? We are going to find out. Our Question of the Week looks at VM's chances of getting celestial aid.  Can they get a buff, a boon, or direct intervention?  It's hard to say w