Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Thar Amphala



Into the Shadowfell we go, Vox Machina has landed where the sun doesn't shine, and have left our realm of reality.  It was a rushed decision, but it feels like it was the right one.  The chance to strike was there, why give Delilah any time to rally her forces.  It seems to have paid off as well; the city seems to be on low alert and unaware that Vox Machina has infiltrated. It feels like the story arc is getting into the end times, and we are closer to the end than we are to the beginning.  There is a lot to tackle in the Shadowfell, and the creatures there are numerous.  One big question we had was, is Sylas Briarwood back? Our Question of the Week asks the Critters what they think about Sylas.  Is the vampire lord back in action with Delilah or was his husk turned to dust by Kiki?  Vote and let us know what you think. Shout Outs this week go to some pretty rad artists.  The first is Lina, and this Vax/Raven Queen composition.  This looks beautiful