Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Tary on my Wayward Son.



There are some songs that once they get stuck in your head will just stay there.  Thanks to Critical Role last week, we now have a Kansas Classic stuck in our mental Spotify.  This week we look at the new Bounty Hunter and her absconding with Taryon Darrington, we also get a look through the black orb of death under White Stone Castle.  Apparently it's not a Sphere of Annihilation, but a Sphere of Transportation.   This could be the last arc of Vox Machina as they get closer to level 20.  Epic campaigns tend to get weird and extra planar, so it's no surprise that we're going to see more Vox Machina jumping through the realities.  There are still things to tackle on the material plane, and Taryon is at the center of a big plot point. Our Question of the Week deals with what Taryon will do.  Will he obey his father's wishes and marry himself off to keep the Darrington's afloat?  Or will he stand up to his father, and do what he must to save the family name and fortune?  Put in your vote and let us know what yo