Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Bats Out of Hell



It's time for Vox Machina to blow this hellish plane and plow on outta there.  It is mission accomplished across all boards, just ignore the destroyed robot parts inter corner there.  The Werebear will clean that up, no problem.  This was a great conclusion to a classic dungeon crawl.  It also left us all with some major questions.  What will Tary do without Doty?  What does Vox Machina do next?  Is Orcus aware that he has twin assassins after him?  Will Tova save her friends and make it out of Hell alive? Next week may be a tension breaker episode, a come down from the wild adventure into Hell.  Those are always the best, something to cleanse the D&D palette before jumping into more insane and off the chain adventures. Our Question of the Week this time around deals with repeat NPC's.  How do you feel about fighting the same type of NPC twice?  Does it ramp up the encounter, or does it take away from the experience?  Gives us your thoughts and lets us know your answer in the options, we'd love to have