Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Deals in the Dark



The Machina has landed, in Hell Jail.  The heroes are mid crawl through a hellish prison, but what a lead up to that moment.  There were some classic VM tropes in this episode, all from a confused and avoided encounter, a tormented vendor, and something new to the group.  On a side note, check out Matthew Mercer's Blood Hunter class.  Brendan is right, it looks like a lot of fun to play. Torva was a fun addition to the group, and a gritty roll your bear sleeves up and get to work type of character.  It's easy to see a lot of Critters are invested in Torva.  She looks like lit fire cracker read to go off.  Next week is going to be exciting to watch.  This leaves us with the fight with the fat pit fiend, and we know what it's like when Vox Machina fights a pit fiend.  In the podcast we aim our Question of the Week towards Pit Fiend mechanics, but Brendan's idea about the Pacts were too good.  SO we're going to go with his idea. Our Question of the Week is: Will Percy use one of the Pacts?  It's a hard choice