Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Vox Machina Goes to Hell



Queue up the AC/DC once more, because we're on a high way to Hell, did anyone else have that strumming through their head while Vox Machina wandered the streets of Dis?  We got to see a lot, and learn a lot in the Second Level of Hell, and everyone had their think hard hats on for the day.  We also got to see Matthew Mercer create a new language on the fly.  Brendan talks about The Art of Language Innovation as a reference, this book looks rad and should find a way onto your reading lists; especially if you are DM'ing a game and are having language troubles.  If you can come up with the Dothraki, you probably have some good insights into language creation. Our Question of the Week looks at the devil in the details.  Percy (aka. Freddy,) and Grog (aka. Greg,) have brokered some kind of arrangement with a devil.  As with all deals in hell, the parameters are a bit shady and vague, but it should all work out in the long run, right?  Right?  Vote in our poll, and let us know what you think is going to happen wit