Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: The Voice of the Tempest



It is a solo podcast today, as we learn that Jonny has problems understanding calendars.  This week's episode was a turning point, for plot and for character development.  We got some hilarious adventures with Taryon & Grog, which was much needed, but we also got some ever loving background info.  The research they did into the City of Dis will provide some beautiful framing and colour for us the audience, as well as the players. We also got a final chapter on the Aramente.  What a great conclusion to an epic chapter.  It's a great feeling to see how everyone has grown and changed, and brought about the finale to a story line.  It also means that a new story is just around the corner, or in a city on the third level of hell.  This leads into our Question of the Week: Give a vote on what you've experienced in your RPG campaigns, or just give us a tweet and let us know. Our Shout Outs this week go to some beautiful pieces of Critter art.  The first