Talking Crit

Talking Crit Podcast: Onward to Vesrah



Queue up I'm On a Boat, it's time to get high on the high seas.  Vox Machina is helping Keyleth on the final leg of her Aramente, which has led them to the ocean city of Vesrah.  That's just an awesome combination of words to say, ocean city of Vesrah.  We got some pirate combat, and picked up a new crew member.  It's still unknown what to make of this rescuee, hopefully it's a good deed for the week.  We also got to see how well Taryon held up in a fight.  Combat wise, pretty good, actually holding onto things, not so much. We also have some more clues about what happened to Keyleth's mom.  It's only a leg, but there's a chance that she may be alive, or she may be kraken chow.  I think we're all hoping that she's alive, oh the feels that will come out.  This fight with the kraken is going to be epic in scale, it's a beefy creature to face, with lots of spike damage.  The question is, will there be any epic loot after the battle? Our Question of the Week tackles if Taryon will find a vestige after the Krake