Hazard Ground

Cliff Anders (Apache Pilot)



From a young age, Cliff Anders wanted to fly helicopters in the military. Getting into the cockpit seemed to be a breeze for Cliff, but getting to war, to “do his part,” was not so easy. He was in flight school during September 11, 2001, but it would be several more years & a few moves around the world to various Apache & training outfits, before Cliff would finally see combat. You see, Cliff is a determined individual – so much so that he & a fellow pilot would call the Army’s Personnel Command every night during their tour in Korea to try & get reassigned to a unit heading to fight in the Middle East once the Global War on Terror kicked off. In the end Cliff would have to wait nearly 5 years before finally seeing combat. And when he did, he was thrown straight into the lion’s den. On this episode, Cliff Anders talks about those first experiences flying in combat & how they changed him as a person & the incredible connection he formed with those soldiers on the ground who he supported by fire, but only knew