Hazard Ground

Shannon Polson



When a U.S. Army Colonel told a young Shannon Polson that she would never fly an attack aircraft, she set out to prove him wrong.  As a matter of fact she became one of the Army's first female Apache pilots, and the first woman Apache pilot assigned to a line unit in the XVIII Airborne Corps.  Serving overseas multiple times, she lead two flight platoons and a line company.  When her time in the Army was finished, she used her experiences as a pilot, adventurer, and leader to forge a career as an author and public speaker.  Today, she incorporates her love of art with her sense of adventure and pathfinding to help others overcome life's most difficult challenges.  She's a true leader in every sense of the word, and someone we are proud and honored to have on the podcast.  We hope you enjoy it!  www.shannonpolson.com | North of Hope | The Road Ahead: Stories of the Forever War | THE GRIT PROJECT