Lovecraft Ezine Podcast

Author Richard Cox: Things Are Not As They Seem



One of the themes (and for me, the most fascinating) of Lovecraftian fiction is the idea that there are some truths that are too terrible to know. In my view, much of weird fiction can be summed up as "things are not as they seem." Richard Cox is certainly not a "Lovecraftian" writer, but in my opinion he's a writer of weird fiction. His books are hard to classify, but if you too are interested in those themes, the nature of reality, and particularly the work of Philip K. Dick, I think you'll enjoy his work. He is the author of THE BOYS OF SUMMER, THOMAS WORLD, and other books -- and he's our guest on this episode. It was a fascinating discussion! And in the last third of this episode, we talked a little about the mixed messages that writers are getting: that some things are off limits to some writers and not to others, etc. All that, plus a live report on the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival from our reporter on the scene, Kelly Young!