Dog House

146: JV & Natasha Talk Divorce. Elvis Leaving Tinder. Curing Porn Addiction.



Ep. 146: July 12, 2016On Today's Show:You do NOT want to piss off Natasha! JV and Natasha talk divorce. Elvis announces he’s leaving the Tinder app. DH Superguest Comedian Mike Epps. IMYAGirl advice: Listener asking if he should drop his best friend. Dog House going on yet another new diet that promises you will drop a pound a day. Popeye’s nephew’s names. Australia lost their minister. Pokemon talk. Folding piece of paper 42 times will take you to the moon. Hours before MLK assassination. United States older than Germany. A lot of Germans in North Dakota. Horses can’t breathe through their mouths. Talking with a guest who will cure your porn addiction. First time caller, long time listener, Graham. Elvis hates people that mispronounce these words. Talking with Siri. Starbucks giving everyone a 5% raise.