Pursuit Of Bliss

Rebirth, Surrender & Taking the Leap



It’s been a season of death and rebirth which can feel like an uncomfortable process, but it’s necessary to burn away the old to welcome in the next version of ourselves. Kristen shares how she has been practicing taking the leap again and again in her life and surrendering to the lessons life has been bringing her. Other topics that she discusses in this episode are: Why Kristen had to skip the podcast last week How a lot of people are experiencing death and rebirth cycles currently and what is being burned away The messages and visions Kristen has been receiving What physical thing happened to Kristen that caused her to burn away what she needed to let go of What we need to let go of in order to make room for the next version of ourselves How to build your “fuck it” muscle & take the leap When the feeling of safety comes What surrender and detachment is What manifesting with ease feels like What happens when you live life trying to avoid pain A recent experience that caused Kristen to surrender in her