Generation V

How Adam Sud Overcame an Adderall Addiction, Lost 200 Pounds, and Learned to Love Himself



Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 have some sort of addiction. The sale of prescription drugs has increased by over 300 percent since 1999. Almost three out of four overdoses are caused by prescription drugs which are more than heroin and cocaine overdoses combined. What's worse is that these drugs can be easier to obtain than the aforementioned illegal drugs. 6.8 million people who struggle with addiction also struggle with some sort of mental illness. Adam Sud, our guest today, had weighed over 320 pounds and was severely addicted to drugs and fast food. He was also afflicted with Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety disorder, sleep disorder, and suicidal depression. His downward spiral culminated with an overdose as a result of a suicide attempt while he was alone in his filthy hoarder-like apartment. He checked into rehab and with the help of his parents and a plant-based diet, he began the journey that led to a remarkable recovery not only in reversing his chronic d