Generation V

How to Manage Toxins, Heavy Metals, and Allergies with Dr. Vivian Chen



We live in a very toxic world. From polluted water to BPAs, to PCBs, to heavy metals, to artificial preservatives, plastics, and pesticides. These toxins around us negatively affects every part of the body. Luckily, we're born with several detoxification systems like the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, whenever these systems are compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and the body is adversely affected and can even lead to allergies, diseases, and death. On today's episode Dr. Vivian Chen joins us to let us know what measures we can take to thrive in such a toxic environment. She is certified as an integrative health practitioner and used nutrition and other lifestyle factors to reverse her husband's hypertension, her kid’s allergies, her own heavy metal toxicity, and now helps clients heal using integrative modalities through her company plateful health. Before you implement any changes that you learn here on this podcast please always check with your doctor