Hacks & Hobbies

E404 - Chris Baden - How to build multi million dollar companies while maintaining a work life balance!



Chris is the CEO / Co-Founder of FlowChat. A saas company that has a unique way of acquiring new customers. Their organic tool & strategies have led to boost their company and others’ to over $100k/mo in revenue. While Chris isn’t building businesses, he’s building a life-long marriage, world-impacting family, and competed on American Ninja Warrior. Our Guest Chris Baden LinkedIn:linkedin.com/in/chrisbaden-55 Website: FlowChat.com (Company Website) Hacks to Take Away If you just listen, you can do really well. Chris shared how he built three different companies all did a million dollars more per year in sales. He helps businesses go to seven and eight figures. Practicing empathy before you listen. Do your best of your intellectual and emotional capacity. Solving the problem becomes a really important muscle to flex and creatively solve problems. We talked about the big difference between a poor mindset and a wealthy mindset. Your ability to decide what program you operate under. And tha