Amber Leitz

Why raising your standards isn't working...yet



Why raising your standards isn’t working…yet Have you been trying to set a boundary? Raise a standard? Lock in a new standard & norm? But you keep sliding into old patterns literally seconds after declaring you’re no longer willing to settle Like… “Universe, I’m only available for $15k months” and then a client decides not to sign or your launch has a slow slump in the middle So you drop the standard you were trying to raise and say things like… “We’ll as long as I make $5k this month I’ll be good. I just need $5k to get by & pay my bills” But you really want to be the bitch who makes $15k cash a month or more! So I share WHY you trying to raise your standards may not feel or seem like it’s working…yet…& what to do to lock it in as your new norm How sexy is that??? Multi-Orgasmic & Mind-blown Mastermind: Learn more about The Courtesan’s Lineage (my deep 1:1 offering) here: Industry Leader, my 3-part masterclass series: h