Unregistered With Thaddeus Russell

Unregistered 209: The Blackbird Interview



I appeared on The Blackbird podcast to discuss the decline of black culture, how the alleged "Don't Say Gay" bill doesn't go far enough, the rise and fall of CNN, the real history of sexual liberation, the declining work ethic in hip-hop, the coming Dave Smith revolution, how the moon landing is like 9-11, the grooming hysteria, the rise of the religious right, the real history of the Holocaust, and how the drug war recently got personal for me. BECOME A PATRON OF UNREGISTERED and get this: Unregistered Academy courses, including the upcoming History of NATO with Scott Ritter and Thaddeus Russell's World War II: The Great Blowback Bonus episodes of Unregistered, including recent interviews with The Fedpost, Cody Wilson, Michael Malice, and Hotep Jesus Unreported, a monthly show in which Thad reacts to news videos Ask Me Anything, a monthly show in which Thad answers questions from patrons Unregistered Live, a live weekly interactive Zoom meeting with Thad and patrons Discord and Facebook private d