Hoardganize | Hoarding | Hoarder | Chronic Disorganization | Professional Organizer

Memories Vs. Items - A personal journey in Costa Rica



On this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses her recent travels in Costa Rica and the astonishing amount of folks who are happy with very little stuff but a lot of love and life. Rachel asks herself, and invites you to think of your situation at home. Are you happy or are you settling for less? Are you living your "best life"? Are you keeping up with the Jones's? Could you do with less stuff and more love? Tune in for more thought provoking questions. This podcast mentioned Rachel Seavey and Julie Coraccio's Keeping it Real workshops, coaching and classes on Eventbrite. That link is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/rachel-seavey-and-julie-coraccio-38514133863 To donate to support the Hoardganize Podcast visit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rachelseavey