Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 261: Mystic Myristicin



"Rainbow" by J. R. C. G. from Ajo Sunshine; The "Little Demon" single by Rubber Oh; "Cadaver Dogs" by Robedoor from New Age Sewage; "Beyond Good and Evil" by Boris from W; "Wono San" by Joel Vandroogenbroek from Far View; "Mitosi" by Franco Nanni from Elicoide; "Tales from the Trash Stratum" from the single by Oneohtrix Point Never featuring Elizabeth Frazer; "Letter" by Weval from Changed for the Better; "Spectacle" by Ken Camden from Space Mirror; "Sayonara (Instrumental)" by Kate NV from Room for the Moon (Instrumentals); "Camp Viking Afghanistan" by Vatican Shadow from the Hospital Productions compilation JonBenet In Valhalla; "Ein Klein" by Richard Youngs from Ein Klein Nein.