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'We Provide The Toolkit To Scale The Startups' with Alexandre Covello, Founder @ AngelsCube



I am delighted to welcome Alexandre Covello to the show today. Alexandre is an active tech investor and startup mentor. He is the Founder and CEO of AngelsCube, an innovative investment platform dedicated to institutional investors focused on technology investments. He is a Member of the Board of the Harvard Business School Angels Club of London where he co-chairs the screening committee. Prior to founding AngelsCube, and for the past 15 years, Alexandre advised institutional investors on their global private equity allocations. In Today’s Episode You Will Learn: 1.) How Alexandre made his entry into the tech world? What was it that attracted Alexandre to the world of investments? 2.) As an angel you are at the very beginning stages of a companies life cycle so what is your deal sourcing looking like these days? Does this differ to how you source deals for the AngelsCube platform? 3.) What are the key activities that Angelscube engage in to ensure their companies are ready for the VC funding stage? What are