Public Speaking With David Murray

Mindfulness technique to use when you feel overwhelmed before public speaking – 089



Public speaking can be scary. Even the most experienced public speakers will tell you that they get nervous before giving a talk. But if you're not careful, the nerves can take over and make you feel unprepared and even cause you to panic. Which means you can rush through your talk and don’t feel you did a good enough job. This can be even more of a problem if you are just starting out in your public speaking journey. Because the feeling of anxiety could be so great that you avoid the opportunity to speak altogether. Which obviously isn’t great, because you’ll never develop as a public speaker. So what can you do about it? I believe a technique called “Mindfulness” can help. Because it’s an effective way of calming the mind, controlling the nerves, particularly if you’re feeling nervous about the upcoming public speaking opportunity. In today’s episode I share a mindfulness technique to use when you feel overwhelmed before public speaking. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is avail