Amber Leitz

Ep. 118: 3 Things That Will Take Your Sex Life From Fizzling to Sizzling



The “I can’t keep my hands off you” vibe is NOT a phase.  This means you can create a sex life with your partner where your panties drop at just the thought of what happened last night after the kids went to bed. (it’s true!) And this means you could be having sex that makes your pussy pulse when you think about the lustful memory of it. (yes, this is true too!) I’m serious about this, Lover. This is fucking possible for you.  In today’s episode, I’m diving into the 3 real things you can do right now to start taking your sex from fizzling to sizzling. It’s time you start experiencing the kind of sex that just keeps getting better and better and better…come join me for the tools you need to have it.  I get into: The 3 things you can start doing right now that will take your sex from fizzling to sizzling One of the BIGGEST reasons why we don’t have great sex (and how to fix it) A quick review of the 5 Erotic Blueprints™ - and why this will take your sex from “meh” to “holy fucking shit!” Weekly sex dates - why