Amber Leitz

Ep. 117: Relationship Update and Sexy Q&A Featuring My Lover Andy



Hot as fuck sex & orgasms.  Luxurious red wine baths and delicious charcuterie.  A juicy relationship filled with connection and eros.    This is my vibe.  But even I, your erotic headmistress, need support to make sure my relationship continues to get wetter, better & hotter.  In today’s episode, my lover Andy comes on the show to share some red hot updates on our relationship and answers some juicy questions from my audience. Ready to hear some of the real shit that goes on behind closed doors with Andy and me? Join us for all the sexy details… We get into: The juiciest changes in our relationship since working with our relationship coach Andy hitting his breaking point in his relationship with alcohol (and how we dealt with this inside of our partnership) A deep dive into our sex - and what’s changed! Why we prioritize money & sex dates in our relationship  A couple’s Q&A (we get into threesomes, and more!)   Sign up for my FREE 2-hour workshop, “3 secrets to more satisfying sex & min