Prowess: Stories Of Leaders Who Have An Edge With Ashley Crouch

Elle Russ: How To Have Unshakeable Confidence Amidst Crisis And Uncertainty



Sometimes the universe will play its cards and throw us off balance. Going through these major changes, feeling like your life and growth is at a standstill, can be disheartening, especially when you feel like you're the only one with hard days. It can take a toll on your confidence, your motivation and your drive.  But the thing is, you can't let those hard days win. And in this episode, we invited a very special guest that will help you step up your “A-game.“ Best selling author and thought leader on confidence, self-esteem and intention Elle Russ is on the show today. She will share insights on how to turbocharge your confidence and overcome shame by navigating setbacks.  Today’s key takeaways are: How to navigate a setback even when it could bring your plans to a standstill  Elle talks about her disability journey, how she combat obstacles and boosted her confidence  What role can others play in holding space for empathy? How did she get into teaching confidence? Do not gauge someone’s confidence by thei