Respuestas Inglesas

Episodio 73: Diferencias Ortográficas entre el Inglés Americano, Canadiense y Británico (en Inglés)



El episodio de hoy será en inglés, ya que no me siento bien esta semana y no estoy seguro de poder traducirlo también. Por favor, disculpa por cualquier inconveniente y agradezco su comprensión. Did you know that English spelling - that crazy jumble of illogical rules on top of a thousand exceptions - is even more discombobulated than you thought? That's because how you spell many words also depends on where you are. Are you trying to reach an American audience? Then you need to follow American English. Are you hoping to attract the attention of the British? Then you need to use British English. These are the two main variants when it comes to English orthography. But there is a middle variant: Canadian English, a happy hybrid of the two! But never fear - today's episode will explain why these differences exist and will break down the main spelling differences for your ease and understanding! And then we will begin our new cultural tip on the country of Lesotho! LAS NOTAS DEL PODCAST: © 2022 por Language An