Chats With Susan Burrell

Nurture Your Inner Goddess



EP#190 - Nurture Your Inner Goddess - An Interview with Author, Theater Critic, Mosaic Artist and Educator, Dawn Reno Langley. I opened my interview with Dawn with the question, “Why focus on the Goddess?” Dawn’s response centered around the fact that because she wasn’t seeing or hearing anything about goddesses anywhere else, except in her yoga studio, she felt the need to begin journaling about the goddess. Which then led to her writing about the Divine Feminine.   Before long she began her research and expanded on her journal writing to create her book, “You Are Divine, A Search for the Goddess in all of Us.” Her research took her down many rabbit holes, as she describes it, and through the digging and excavating she uncovered many ancient stories about the Divine Feminine. Including the fact that herbal medicine and the practicing of ancient medicine began mostly with women. And later as medicine evolved, the practice of it became dominated by men. Dawn and I share many of the same views and in discussing