Scavenger's Hoard: A Star Wars Podcast

Episode #30 - A Deep Dive Into The Force Awakens Novelisation with the Knights of Rant!



In this episode, Kirsty, special guests CT and Solo (of Knights of Rant fame) and Rachael waste no time and get straight into an in-depth analysis of some key moments from the novelisation of Star Wars: The Force Awakens by the inimitable Alan Dean Foster - puzzle over the mysteries of the Whills with us! Gasp at our ability to talk about the compassion exchange for 15 minutes! Marvel at Rachael's inexplicable and borderline offensive attempts at accents! Once the novelisation discussion is wrapped up, we move on to spoilers, discussing the first set pics from the Han Solo movie and the latest Making Star Wars report on Luke’s props for The Last Jedi. We also indulge in some speculation on the final act of the film based on more tenuous rumours, so pull your tinfoil hats on for some wild and probably baseless theorising! (We had technical difficulties with the recording which meant the last five minutes or so were cut off, thus the weird ending to the episode.)