The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Janice Priest: COVID19, the Flu Blues and the Outrageous NZ Government Vaccine Claims



They are calling out the lies emanating from our Government lock stepped with big PHARMA’s Agenda. Now, with the statement - “No jab - No job!” - in a democracy such as NZ’s, this for many - is a step too far. Janice Priest has been a natural clinician for over 50 years and has witnessed the continuous transition from a more personal and natural healing realm to that of ‘a chemical drug for all ailments’ regime as propagated by big Pharma. Which has in turn morphed alongside the WHO + to now a vaccination for every human. As a very experienced naturopath and clinician this interview leads with how to take care of our body naturally, by preventative measures that you can readily access from your garden or local grocer. From 15 minutes in though - Janice talks about the larger picture in dealing with the Covid narrative, the untruths of media with Government coordination and as in the heading - outrageous fear mongering by our elected representatives in an endeavour to control the vernacular of spin. We cov