Amber Leitz

Ep. 122: Building Wealth (But Make it Sexy)



When I first started working with money I had all this unconscious programming that told me money didn’t feel good, that making it had to be hard & heavy (& maybe even painful). So, I avoided it. Resisted it. Decided it wasn’t meant for me. But I was so wrong, Lover. And I want better for you.    In today’s episode, I dive into the ways you can start to let life fuck you open to more money and how to build wealth from turn-on and eros. Because making money gets to be sexy, and building wealth gets to feel orgasmic & sensual.  Ready to live a bigger life than just making enough money to get by? Let me teach you how to build wealth - the sexy way.  I get into: Making the powerful shift from survival mode to a wealth mindset Conditioning v. the knowing - and how this played out in my own life & business The things that could be influencing your own relationship with money (and how to deprogram!) How I set my business up to indulge my hedonist tendencies (it’s all about pleasure over here, Lover)