Online Forex Trading Course

#465: Can You Travel and Trade?



Can You Travel and Trade?  Podcast: Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course Click Here to Checkout my 30 Minute Trader Trip in 2019 #465: Can You Travel and Trade? In this video: 00:28 – Trading and travelling 01:25 – The World is slowly opening up again 01:57 – 30 Minute Trader Trip in 2019  03:21 – I’m travelling and trading this week 04:32 – My strategy works 05:07 – Have a look at Blueberry Markets 06:12 – Get trading and travelling again Can you travel and trade at the same time? If you can, if your system allows you to do that, then you have yourself a fantastic strategy. Let's talk about that more right now. Hey traders, it's Andrew Mitchem here, the Owner of the Forex Trading Coach with the video and podcast number 465. Trading and travelling Now trading and travelling is something that if you look online, you see these images or these red flashy sports cars, and