Flipping America

Flipping America 534, Financial Freedom with Chris Miles



What’s the point of all this anyway? I’d say “Financial Freedom” is most of it. Flipping houses can be lucrative, but passive income is where you want to end up. Today Chris Miles is going to start us in the right direction. Chris is the founder of Money Ripples and has an interesting take on financial freedom. I know you’re going to enjoy the interview in just a few minutes. I promised we would take questions from listeners today and we got a monster question – ok, maybe not a monster QUESTION but it might be a monster ANSWER. Darla, from Manchester, GA asked, “I am thinking about flipping some houses, but I’m a studier. I want to know what I’m getting into. What are the biggest risks in flipping houses?” My answer to that led to a little essay that is probably going to go up on YouTube and will likely be the only question I get to today. Don’t worry! Keep the questions coming and we will get to them all. I promise. Send them to questions@flippingamerica.net.